Thursday, January 12, 2023

anti-aircraft site psi

Anti-aircraft Site Psi - Home » Game Guides » Far Cry 6 » Far Cry 6 All Anti-Aircraft Guns and Depleted Uranium Sites

Far Cry 6 has 26 locations for anti-aircraft guns. You need to destroy 16 of them for the Friendly Skies trophy or achievement. In addition, each of their 50 locations has depleted uranium in the tank. It will be marked with a yellow radioactive icon on the minimap. You need 1400 Depleted Uranium to buy Supremo and Resolver weapons. Buying all Supremes unlocks the Backpacking box and achievement. Capturing infinite uranium from each anti-aircraft gun gives you a total of 1450 (you start with 150 easily), so it's worth buying everything.

Anti-aircraft Site Psi

Anti-aircraft Site Psi

An anti-aircraft gun emplacement cannot be monitored. You can find them and destroy them all after the story in free roaming. The easiest way to find them is by flying in a helicopter or plane, when you get close to them you will see a red circle on the map and their location will be marked when you enter their restricted aircraft. Staying on a plane for too long will shoot you down, but you can avoid this by flying very close to the ground.

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Also note that there are two permanently restricted airspaces on Esperanza 2, but no cannons are attached and they are indestructible. Unlike the 26 cannons, the ones in Esperanza are rocket launchers that will quickly take you down in one hit, but cannot be found or destroyed in the ground.

This map uses the same calculation as the zoomed-in maps below, going through each section. Each anti-aircraft gun contains an infinite amount of uranium. Also, remember that the red circles on Esperanza are not anti-aircraft defenses, so they don't count. There are maps that mark all 26 near the anti-aircraft sites, shown below.

That's 26 anti-aircraft stations in Far Cry 6. Note that the two red circles on Esperanza are not anti-aircraft guns and cannot be destroyed as long as they remain on the map.

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